18 research outputs found

    Domain-Specific Pseudonymous Signatures Revisited

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    Domain-Specific Pseudonymous Signature schemes were recently proposed for privacy preserving authentication of digital identity documents by the BSI, German Federal Office for Information Security. The crucial property of domain-specific pseudonymous signatures is that a signer may derive unique pseudonyms within a so called domain. Now, the signer\u27s true identity is hidden behind his domain pseudonyms and these pseudonyms are unlinkable, i.e. it is infeasible to correlate two pseudonyms from distinct domains with the identity of a single signer. In this paper we take a critical look at the security definitions and constructions of domain-specific pseudonymous signatures proposed by far. We review two articles which propose ``sound and clean\u27\u27 security definitions and point out some issues present in these models. Some of the issues we present may have a strong practical impact on constructions ``provably secure\u27\u27 in this models. Additionally, we point out some worrisome facts about the proposed schemes and their security analysis

    NTRU-ν\nu-um: Secure Fully Homomorphic Encryption from NTRU with Small Modulus

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    NTRUEncrypt is one of the first lattice-based encryption schemes. Furthermore, the earliest fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes rely on the NTRU problem. Currently, NTRU is one of the leading candidates in the NIST post-quantum standardization competition. What makes NTRU appealing is the age of the cryptosystem and relatively good performance. Unfortunately, FHE based on NTRU became impractical due to efficient attacks on NTRU instantiations with ``overstretched'' modulus. In particular, currently, NTRU-based FHE schemes to support a reasonable circuit depth require instantiating NTRU with a very large modulus. Breaking the NTRU problem for such large moduli turns out to be easy. Due to these attacks, any serious work on practical NTRU-based FHE essentially stopped. In this paper, we reactivate research on practical FHE that can be based on NTRU. We design an efficient bootstrapping scheme in which the noise growth is small enough to keep the modulus to dimension ratio relatively small, thus avoiding the negative consequences of ``overstretching'' the modulus. Our bootstrapping algorithm is an accumulator-type bootstrapping scheme analogous to AP/FHEW/TFHE. Finally, we show that we can use the bootstrapping procedure to compute any function over Zt\mathbb{Z}_t. Consequently, we obtain one of the fastest FHE bootstrapping schemes able to compute any function over elements of a finite field alongside reducing the error

    Circuit Privacy for FHEW/TFHE-Style Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Practice

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    A fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme allows a client to encrypt and delegate its data to a server that performs computation on the encrypted data that the client can then decrypt. While FHE gives confidentiality to clients\u27 data, it does not protect the server\u27s input and computation. Nevertheless, FHE schemes are still helpful in building delegation protocols that reduce communication complexity, as FHE ciphertext\u27s size is independent of the size of the computation performed on them. We can further extend FHE by a property called circuit privacy, which guarantees that the result of computing on ciphertexts reveals no information on the computed function and the inputs of the server. Thereby, circuit private FHE gives rise to round optimal and communication efficient secure two-party computation protocols. Unfortunately, despite significant efforts and much work put into the efficiency and practical implementations of FHE schemes, very little has been done to provide useful and practical FHE supporting circuit privacy. In this work, we address this gap and design the first randomized bootstrapping algorithm whose single invocation sanitizes a ciphertext and, consequently, serves as a tool to provide circuit privacy. We give an extensive analysis, propose parameters, and provide a C++ implementation of our scheme. Our bootstrapping can sanitize a ciphertext to achieve circuit privacy at an 80-bit statistical security level in 1.4 seconds. In addition, we can perform non-sanitized bootstrapping in around 0.14 seconds on a laptop without additional public keys. Crucially, we do not need to increase the parameters significantly to perform computation before or after the sanitization takes place. For comparison\u27s sake, we revisit the Ducas-Stehl\\u27e washing machine method. In particular, we give a tight analysis, estimate efficiency, review old and provide new parameters

    On Circuit Private, Multikey and Threshold Approximate Homomorphic Encryption

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    Homomorphic encryption for approximate arithmetic allows one to encrypt discretized real/complex numbers and evaluate arithmetic circuits over them. The first scheme, called CKKS, was introduced by Cheon et al. (Asiacrypt 2017) and gained tremendous attention. The enthusiasm for CKKS-type encryption stems from its potential to be used in inference or multiparty computation tasks that do not require an exact output. A desirable property for homomorphic encryption is circuit privacy, which requires that a ciphertext leaks no information on the computation performed to obtain it. Despite numerous improvements directed toward improving efficiency, the question of circuit privacy for approximate homomorphic encryption remains open. In this paper, we give the first formal study of circuit privacy for homomorphic encryption over approximate arithmetic. We introduce formal models that allow us to reason about circuit privacy. Then, we show that approximate homomorphic encryption can be made circuit private using tools from differential privacy with appropriately chosen parameters. In particular, we show that by applying an exponential (in the security parameter) Gaussian noise on the evaluated ciphertext, we remove useful information on the circuit from the ciphertext. Crucially, we show that the noise parameter is tight, and taking a lower one leads to an efficient adversary against such a system. We expand our definitions and analysis to the case of multikey and threshold homomorphic encryption for approximate arithmetic. Such schemes allow users to evaluate a function on their combined inputs and learn the output without leaking anything on the inputs. A special case of multikey and threshold encryption schemes defines a so-called partial decryption algorithm where each user publishes a ``masked\u27\u27 version of its secret key, allowing all users to decrypt a ciphertext. Similarly, in this case, we show that applying a proper differentially private mechanism gives us IND-CPA-style security where the adversary additionally gets as input the partial decryptions. This is the first security analysis of approximate homomorphic encryption schemes that consider the knowledge of partial decryptions. As part of our study, we scrutinize recent proposals for the definition and constructions of threshold homomorphic encryption schemes and show new random oracle uninstantiability results that may be of independent interest

    FDFB: Full Domain Functional Bootstrapping Towards Practical Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Computation on ciphertexts of all known fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes induces some noise, which, if too large, will destroy the plaintext. Therefore, the bootstrapping technique that re-encrypts a ciphertext and reduces the noise level remains the only known way of building FHE schemes for arbitrary unbounded computations. The bootstrapping step is also the major efficiency bottleneck in current FHE schemes. A promising direction towards improving concrete efficiency is to exploit the bootstrapping process to perform useful computation while reducing the noise at the same time. We show a bootstrapping algorithm, which embeds a lookup table and evaluates arbitrary functions of the plaintext while reducing the noise. Depending on the choice of parameters, the resulting homomorphic encryption scheme may be either an exact FHE or homomorphic encryption for approximate arithmetic. Since we can evaluate arbitrary functions over the plaintext space, we can use the natural homomorphism of Regev encryption to compute affine functions without bootstrapping almost for free. Consequently, our algorithms are particularly suitable for arithmetic circuits over a finite field with many additions and scalar multiplication gates. We achieve significant speedups when compared to binary circuit-based FHE. For example, we achieve 280-1200x speedups when computing an affine function of size 784 followed by any univariate function when compared to FHE schemes that compute binary circuits. With our bootstrapping algorithm, we can efficiently convert between arithmetic and boolean plaintexts and extend the plaintext space using the Chinese remainder theorem. Furthermore, we can run the computation in an exact and approximate mode where we trade-off the size of the plaintext space with approximation error. We provide a tight error analysis and show several parameter sets for our bootstrapping. Finally, we implement our algorithm and provide extensive tests. We demonstrate our algorithms by evaluating different neural networks in several parameter and accuracy settings

    Security Analysis of ePrint Report 2016/500 Efficient Identity-Based Encryption and Public-Key Signature from Trapdoor Subgroups

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    In this short report we analyse the security of three schemes proposed by J. H. Park et al. in Efficient Identity-Based Encryption and Public-Key Signature from Trapdoor Subgroups . The schemes make use of trapdoor subgroups of \ZZ_n^* and are secure under new assumptions called qq-Trapdoor Subgroup Diffie-Hellman (TSDH) and qq-Trapdoor Subgroup Exponent Inversion (TSEI). We show that given several secret keys in case of IBE or several signatures in case of PKS, one can easily extract the trapdoor and break security of the proposed schemes

    Towards Practical Security of Pseudonymous Signature on the BSI eIDAS Token

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    In this paper we present an extension of Pseudonymous Signature introduced by the German Federal BSI authority as a part of technical recommendations for electronic identity documents. Without switching to pairing friendly groups we enhance the scheme so that: (a) the issuer does not know the private keys of the citizen (so it cannot impersonate the citizen), (b) a powerful adversary that breaks any number of ID cards created by the Issuer cannot forge new cards that could be proven as fake ones, (c) deanonymization of the pseudonyms used by a citizen is a multi-party protocol, where the consent of each authority is necessary to reveal the identity of a user. (d) we propose extended features concerning fully anonymous signatures and a pragmatic revocation approach. (e) we present an argument for unlinkability (cross-domain anonymity) of the presented schemes. In this way we make a step forwards to overcome the substantial weaknesses of the Pseudonymous Signature scheme. Moreover, the extension is on top of the original scheme with relatively small number of changes, following the strategy of reusing the previous schemes -- thereby reducing the costs of potential technology update

    Fine-Tuning Decentralized Anonymous Payment Systems based on Arguments for Arithmetic Circuit Satisfiability

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    Digital currencies like Bitcoin and other blockchain based systems provide means to record monetary transfers between accounts. In Bitcoin like systems transactions are published on a decentralized ledger and reveal the sender, receiver and amount of a transfer, hence such systems give only moderate anonymity guarantees. Payment systems like ZCash attempt to offer much stronger anonymity by hiding the origin, destination and value of a payment. The ZCash system is able to offer strong anonymity, mainly due to use of Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge (ZK-SNARK) of arithmetic circuit satisfiability. One drawback of ZCash is that the arithmetic circuit is rather large, thus requires a large common reference string and complex prover for the ZK-SNARK. In fact, the memory and prover complexity is dominated by the ZK-SNARK in use and is mainly determined by the complexity of the circuit. In this paper we design a Decentralized Anonymous Payment system (DAP), functionally similar to ZCash, however with significantly smaller arithmetic circuits, thus greatly reducing the memory and prover complexity of the system. Our construction is based on algebraic primitives, from the realm of elliptic curve and lattice based cryptography, which satisfiability might be efficiently verified by an arithmetic circuit

    Improved Circuit Synthesis with Amortized Bootstrapping for FHEW-like Schemes

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    In recent years, the research community has made great progress in improving techniques for privacy-preserving computation such as fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). Despite the progress, there remain open challenges, mostly in the areas of performance and usability, to further advance the adoption of these technologies. This work provides multiple contributions to improve the current state-of-the-art in both areas. More specifically, we significantly simplify the bootstrapping idea by Carpov, Izabach`ene, and Mollimard [1] for Boolean-based FHE schemes such as FHEW or TFHE, making the concept usable in practice. Based on our simplifications, we provide an easy-to-use interface for amortized bootstrapping implementing our improvements in the open-source library FHE-Deck and provide new parameter sets for multi-bit encryptions with state-of-the-art security. We build a toolset that compiles high-level code such as C++ to code that executes operations on encrypted data. For this toolset, we propose the first non-trivial FHE-specific optimizations in synthesizing privacy-preserving circuits from high-level code, namely look-up table (LUT) grouping and adder substitution. Using LUT grouping, we reduce the number of bootstrapping required by almost 35 % on average, while for adder substitution, we reduce the number of required bootstrapping by up to 80 % for certain use cases. Overall, the execution time is up to 3.8× faster using our optimizations compared to previous state-of-the-art circuit synthesis

    Ring Signatures: Logarithmic Size, No Setup -- from Standard Assumptions

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    Ring signatures allow for creating signatures on behalf of an ad hoc group of signers, hiding the true identity of the signer among the group. A natural goal is to construct a ring signature scheme for which the signature size is short in the number of ring members. Moreover, such a construction should not rely on a trusted setup and be proven secure under falsifiable standard assumptions. Despite many years of research this question is still open. In this paper, we present the first construction of logarithmic-size ring signatures which do not rely on a trusted setup or the random oracle heuristic. Specifically, our scheme can be instantiated from standard assumptions and the size of signatures grows only logarithmically in the number of ring members. We also extend our techniques to the setting of linkable ring signatures, where signatures created using the same signing key can be linked